Exhibitor Contract Terms Booth/Table Space disclaimer
Exhibitor Contract Terms Booth/Table Space disclaimer
Please Note: Vendors are permitted to bring their own additional tables or chairs to the Monroe Comic Con. However, vendors must ensure that the bottom/feet of the tables and chairs do not harm the floor of the venue and must fit within booth area.
Electrical services are available with most booths, but please bring cords, surge protectors, floor covers, etc.....
Exhibitors will keep their booth/table area clean and is responsible for any damage. Exhibitor agrees to leave the area "broom clean" at the close of the show.
Take all boxes and large waste items with you.
Renting, Selling, or Subletting booth space is strictly prohibited.
Set-up and Tear Down: Vendors will be permitted to enter the venue starting at 9AM - 4PM on Friday September 12 for set-up also from 7AM on Saturday, September 13, 2025.
Vendors must be set up by show open and have all items removed from the facility by 9PM September 13.
Payment for Space Exhibitor understands the payment policy and agrees to pay as per the terms of the application. There will be a $50.00 fee for checks returned unpaid.
All payments are non-refundable and will be due in full 30 days after acceptance !!
Display Regulations Any damage caused to the building or its furnishings by the Exhibitor is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor.
Exhibitor agrees to remain set up during all exhibit hours. No early breakdowns of exhibits are allowed without the prior consent of the show promoters and must be set up by 9:30 AM.
Exhibitors must stay within the boundaries of their exhibit space and please keep your neighbors in mind when setting up! Nothing hung above table height that blocks the view of your neighboring booths to your sides. Tents are not permitted inside. If questions just ask.
Merchandise for Sale Exhibitor agrees that all merchandise for sale is legal and licensed. Bootleg merchandise is prohibited, and the promoter is not responsible, but will take action if necessary. Any items found to be offensive MUST BE REMOVED from sale. The Monroe COMIC CON staff has final say on what is, or is not, acceptable. If you have an item that you believe someone may find to be questionable, please make sure to ask. Damages & Losses The show promoters (The Monroe Comic Con) and First Merchants Bank Expo Center are not responsible for any theft or loss.
Cancellation No refunds will be given if exhibitor cancels. By signing agreement, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by both the terms and conditions set on this application. You acknowledge that failure to abide by the rules may result in the loss of your Exhibitor privileges without recourse or refund. By agreeing to exhibit at The Monroe Comic Con, the exhibitor agrees to protect, keep, and save the The Monroe Comic Con promoter(s) and First Merchants Bank Expo Center forever harmless from any damage, loss, theft, cost, liability, act of God, terrorism or expense that arises from their exhibiting at this show. This agreement covers full setup, run of the show, and teardown.